So, the other day, I put a link to the blog on facebook so my friends could read Zoe's story and see how she's doing. A comment was made by an old friend that got me thinking. It was simple, really- she just said "I'm Sorry, Lisa". The first thing I thought was, "sorry? For what?" This made me realize just how far we have come since we first discovered Zoe's hearing loss. Back then, I too felt sorry for her. I felt sorry for me. I thought the worst and felt how unfair it was that MY little girl had a disability. I was scared of the changes that would be taking place in the future- the hearing aids, her development- everything- was up in the air and i was terrified. I spent many nights (and days!) crying, bawling my eyes out even- worrying about this and that- how this would affect her relationships in the future, if she would ever be "normal".
Now, i realize that she IS normal. This is the way she was meant to be- and without her hearing aids, Zoe wouldn't be Zoe. I have learned that my daughter is perfect just the way she is. I do not feel sorry for her- I am happy that she has the hearing that she does- and that she is also blessed with so much more- she has a family that adores her, she's happy and healthy. Then, the other night, my mother wound up a musical jewelry box for Zoe- you know the one every little girl has had at one point in their life- with the little triangle shaped mirror and tiny spinning ballerina? Unfortunately, she was getting ready for bed and I had already taken her "ears" out. So, Zoe- the amazing little girl that she is, lifts the music box to her ear, and then to her other ear. She may have been able to hear it, maybe not. She might have been feeling the vibration against her cheek. My mom commented how sweet it was, and that she felt sorry for her. Again, I asked "why"? She said because she couldn't hear her music box. I just popped her neon pink hearing aids in her ears- problem solved. She may not hear like you and me, but she HEARS. That is all that matters to us. She hears her favorite TV show, music on the radio, (and shakes her little booty to it) dogs barking in the distance- we are so blessed. So, please- do not feel sorry for Zoe. She is luckier than so many children in this world, disabled or not.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Look! Cute baby pictures!!!
So here are some more current pictures of Miss Zoe- sorry about the quality- they were taken on my cell phone. The first one she was enjoying a bubble gum slush at Sonic- and the other one she was just cheesin' in the car with her fave shades on!

She is without aids in both pics :(
For some reason, she thinks wearing hearing aids in the car is for losers. At least she (usually) hands them over to me- and doesn't throw them out the window (knock on wood).

She is without aids in both pics :(
For some reason, she thinks wearing hearing aids in the car is for losers. At least she (usually) hands them over to me- and doesn't throw them out the window (knock on wood).
This week's sign- "Cow"
I decided since not many people follow my little humble blog, that asking for suggestions for Zoe's weekly sign was a little futile at this point. so i made the executive decision (ooohhh... I have a blog like all the cool kids, so i make the decisions!) to just pick one to start out with on my own. We live in the middle of f'ing NOWHERE, and most of what Zoe sees is farmland- cows, horses, corn, etc... so what better to teach her than the things she sees every day? That's why i decided to make this weeks sign "Cow".
i'm not really sure why there is japanese on this picture, but it's the best one i could find... OK?!?!?! so Zoe and friends will be working on this sign this week. She's a pretty quick learner, so maybe I'll add a sign if she is doing well with this one. I thank you, as always- for following Zoe's progress!
xoxo- Lisa
Thursday, August 20, 2009
New Feature!
I have decided that since our signing could use a little help- (we know a bunch of signs but only use a few of them really) that each week I will post a new sign, teach it to Zoe, and report back on how she is doing with it. I think it will benefit both of us- so here goes nothing! First, I would like to go over some of the signs Zoe does know, and ask for suggestions to what the weekly sign should be, based on her age and necessities- (she doesn't need to know the sign for "beer" yet.) Thank you in advance for helping me out!
Zoe knows:
-Eat (of course...)
-Cracker (A favorite joke in our house)
Zoe actually verbalizes the following:
-Eesha (my sister's name is Alesha- apparently it is now everyone else's name, too)
-What's that? (sounds more like Wassat?)
-Mouth (sounds more like "Mow", as in rhyming with "Cow")
There may be a few more, but those are the most i can think of. She does a lot of pointing, which her developmental specialist has no beef with- she says it is a healthy form of communicating her needs to us, even though we are working towards more signs and speaking words. So, what do you think she should learn next?
Zoe knows:
-Eat (of course...)
-Cracker (A favorite joke in our house)
Zoe actually verbalizes the following:
-Eesha (my sister's name is Alesha- apparently it is now everyone else's name, too)
-What's that? (sounds more like Wassat?)
-Mouth (sounds more like "Mow", as in rhyming with "Cow")
There may be a few more, but those are the most i can think of. She does a lot of pointing, which her developmental specialist has no beef with- she says it is a healthy form of communicating her needs to us, even though we are working towards more signs and speaking words. So, what do you think she should learn next?
potty training...
Is a topic that I never imagined I would have to talk about nearly 2 years ago. It seemed so far away, like something i knew i would eventually HAVE to do, but that was so distant that i didn't let it worry me. Well, guess what? *knock, knock*.. who is it? Pull-Ups!!!! I bought Zoe her first pair of pull ups this past weekend and reallys tarted to focus on potty training. I mean, she has peed on the potty a bunch of times, wakes up dry in the mornings, and even pooped once! I was so proud of her- so i decided she must be ready. Now, i know the sign for potty-
which we have been using every time we sit her on the pretty pink cushy-seat "big girl" potty we bought- but is there anything else i can do to help a child who is hard of hearing get potty trained as quickly as her peers? This is an area I have always been kinda scared about, for some reason. She only has a few understandable words, not many signs (but is doing well with her hearing aids)- So I feel almost guilty for pushing her into such a momentous task when she can barely tell me she wants a cup of milk or a cookie. Should i wait? I dont feel like i am pushing her too hard, i dont force her to do it when she doesn't seem to want to... how did you teach your kid(s)?
Oh, look- an embarrassing future blackmail picture...
which we have been using every time we sit her on the pretty pink cushy-seat "big girl" potty we bought- but is there anything else i can do to help a child who is hard of hearing get potty trained as quickly as her peers? This is an area I have always been kinda scared about, for some reason. She only has a few understandable words, not many signs (but is doing well with her hearing aids)- So I feel almost guilty for pushing her into such a momentous task when she can barely tell me she wants a cup of milk or a cookie. Should i wait? I dont feel like i am pushing her too hard, i dont force her to do it when she doesn't seem to want to... how did you teach your kid(s)?
Oh, look- an embarrassing future blackmail picture...
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