Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Princess!

On Sunday,  we took Zoe to see Sesame Street LIVE at first mariner arena- let me tell you, it was too cute!  Zoe just sat there the whole time staring- attentively watching every single act.  She, like me, is not really a fan of people in giant suits- but I figured she would like it if they kept their distance... LOL :)

She has only recently begun watching TV like anything- I don't even think she knew what it was until a couple months ago.  She was perfectly happy just playing with her toys and getting into things she isn't supposed to- sitting quietly and watching cartoons or a movie is not a luxury that my daughter has really ever afforded me.  Now, however-  TV can sometimes hold her attention for about 5! whole! minutes!!!  because she loves the charachters and recognizes them from her toys and/or books.  Her favorites are usually of the NOGGIN variety- you know, Wow Wow Wubbzy and the like- and she rarely seen much sesame street.
Me, however- having grown up wishing I could really live on Sesame Street, I was stoked about the show probably more than any grown person should be.  When Big Bird took the stage, it was like 1989 all over again... can't you just imagine a cute little 5 year old version of me, sitting cross-legged in front of our floor unit TV for hours, singing and dancing, and using the letter of the day enough times to drive my parents crazy?  Can't you?  Well, I can. Anyway. They were all there- all my beloved charachters, some new ones, and of course, my daughter's namesake*- which I joyfully pointed to every time she dared to come within 10 feet of us.  Zoe seemed to enjoy it, even though she didn't do as much singing and dancing as most of the kids- she just sat and took it all in.  It was the quietest I have seen her in, well... not counting when she's asleep- probably ever.  She then proceeded to shake her little booty and bob her head back and forth in the lobby.  Crazy backwards child of mine. *OK, i really didn't name my daughter after a Sesame Street character- though that would be wicked cool.  Oh, here are a few pics from the show...
This was part of Zoe's birthday present since we aren't throwing a big party this year.  Shut up, I already feel bad enough about it. We will probably take her to Chuck E Cheese and get her a cake next weekend, after she officially turns 2 on 9/23/09 (at 9:02 PM).  WOW, I can't believe my baby is turning 2 already.  I still remember the day I brought her home from the hospital.  What she wore that first night, how she slept, how she smelled, the little baby noises she made, and how amazing she was...  God I miss those days.  The days when I could lay her on a bed or on a blanket on the floor and she would still be there 5 minutes- nay, 5 Seconds- later.  The days when I was faster than Her.  The days when I cheerfully washed her little bottles and tidyed up her room while she NAPPED.  Well,  it's all good though- just another stepping stone, right?  One day she will be a teenager, and she will HATE me sometimes.  She will claim I am ruining her life and curse the day I birthed her because she has a curfew. Then one day she'll be an adult- and run off to marry some guy that I probably won't even like- and I will be saying how much I missed the days when she would take her shoes off in the backseat while mommy is driving, or throw herself dramatically to the floor over a cup of juice or some fruit snacks, or run from me in public places and ake me chase her.  I will long for these days just as much as I long for her infant days now. 
But for now, she's only 2.  She likes to read stories and get tucked in close to her mommy at night.  She likes lots of love, hugs and kisses with no strings attached. She likes to run in the grass and feel the sunshine on her face.  She likes to point at things and watch mommy look around for what she wants while babbling to me- probably telling me how much of an idiot I am in baby talk.  She loves to go to the park and slide down the big girl slide. She loves to jump in the air (and sometimes fall on her butt) just because. She likes to scream just because screaming is fun.  She likes to take long walks and point out all the birdies, doggies, and people. She likes to dress herself with hilarious results sometimes. She likes to lay in bed with mommy and cuddle before going to sleep.  And, luckily for us- she loves both her mommy and her daddy like they hung the moon. In the end, she is still and always will be mommy's baby, she's just getting older, and cuter :)  So, Happy Birthday baby girl- We Love You more than you can imagine.


  1. Thanks for adding Deaf Village to your blogroll -- we're glad to have you as part of our community!

  2. I can remember going to see Sesame Street LIVE when I was little - it looks like it's just as fun now!
