I got Zoe a dry-erase alphabet writing book for Christmas this year, thinking it would be good for her to practice her letters over the next few years. Well, to my surprise, it is one of her favorite things to play with! She will spend hours just tracing the alphabet, and she is getting quite good. I would seriously reccomend picking this book up at Wal-Mart ($14.95) if your little one is preparing for or just starting school.
Here she is enjoying her book :)
She is very proud of herself and shows us every time she finishes a page. She has improved her writing skills over when she first started learning to write her name, and no longer requires you to draw the dotted line for her to trace.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
New Molds!
Zoe got her new ear molds on Friday! I think they are super cute! The pink in these is lighter in color and translucent instead of solid. Excuse the first picture, it was taken with my crappy cell phone camera...
OLD ear molds- solid hot pink and white marbled

NEW Ear molds- light translucent pink and white marbled :)

I'm so glad we finally got them, we were hearing a lot of feedback because they were really getting loose. I got to see the doctor make them this time, which was pretty cool. I was very surprised Zoe held still so well while the mixture hardened in her ear. She's such a big girl :)
OLD ear molds- solid hot pink and white marbled
NEW Ear molds- light translucent pink and white marbled :)

I'm so glad we finally got them, we were hearing a lot of feedback because they were really getting loose. I got to see the doctor make them this time, which was pretty cool. I was very surprised Zoe held still so well while the mixture hardened in her ear. She's such a big girl :)
This Zoe moment is brought to you by St Ives body lotion
Sometimes... there are no words. Enjoy the pictures.
long story short, you should NEVER leave a bottle of lotion in the backseat of your car during a long drive home.
long story short, you should NEVER leave a bottle of lotion in the backseat of your car during a long drive home.
Friday, January 21, 2011
My hopes for you in 2011
It's a bit late, but I saw on another blog where a mother wrote her hopes and dreams for her children for the new year and I thought it was a sweet thing to do (Shut Up.). So I wanted to write a letter to my sweet little girl too. Wanna hear it? Here it goes:
My dearest Zoe Simone,
I hope that this year, and every other year, you realize just how special you are to everyone you meet. You make me laugh, you make me cry, you make me SO proud. With each passing day, month, and year- you continue to amaze me. I hope that this year, you know you are so loved, so blessed, and so beautiful. I hope you continue to excel in your ECI program at school- you have impressed everyone with how bright you really are. I hope that our family continues to bond closer together and rally around you as you achieve each milestone.
I hope that this year when you turn four years old, you have the most amazing birthday yet, as we celebrate another year having you in our lives. I hope that this year, and any other year, that you never, ever let anyone tell you you can't achieve something. You were made just for us, hearing loss and all- to be your biggest fans and to support and love you every step of the way. We hope you realize that no matter what happens, mommy & daddy will ALWAYS be there for you. You are capable of great things, and your daddy and I can't wait to watch you grow and achieve those things.
I hope that you continue to build your friendships with the children in your class, and that you make new friends. Your friends, unlike many people in this world, understand you. You see, the world is sometimes a cold, cruel place, baby girl. As you grow, you will almost certainly run into people who want to break your spirit and make you feel like because you are "different" from them, somehow they are better than you. You will learn that in reality, YOU are the one who is "better" than these people. They, unlike you, have hate in their heart. Don't let that hate stop you from shining.
I hope that this year, our family is fortunate enough to take you to new places, allow you to explore new sights and sounds, meet new people, and learn new things. I hope that each holiday this year is one filled with happiness and memories for all of us, and that the traditions we practice for each one becomes deeply rooted into the person you are, and who you will become- and that you will carry them on to your own family someday.
I hope that when you look at me, you see the type of mother you need, and that you come to me without hesitation when you need me most. I hope that your vocabulary continues to grow and blossom as much as it has last year. I hope that by the end of this year, everyone will hear and understand what Zoe Simone has to say. I have said a lot of things that I hope for you this year, but most importantly, I hope that you continue to be the amazing child that you are. In so many ways, you have changed our lives for the better. You have made me a better person. Thank You for being my daughter.

I hope that this year, and every other year, you realize just how special you are to everyone you meet. You make me laugh, you make me cry, you make me SO proud. With each passing day, month, and year- you continue to amaze me. I hope that this year, you know you are so loved, so blessed, and so beautiful. I hope you continue to excel in your ECI program at school- you have impressed everyone with how bright you really are. I hope that our family continues to bond closer together and rally around you as you achieve each milestone.
I hope that this year when you turn four years old, you have the most amazing birthday yet, as we celebrate another year having you in our lives. I hope that this year, and any other year, that you never, ever let anyone tell you you can't achieve something. You were made just for us, hearing loss and all- to be your biggest fans and to support and love you every step of the way. We hope you realize that no matter what happens, mommy & daddy will ALWAYS be there for you. You are capable of great things, and your daddy and I can't wait to watch you grow and achieve those things.
I hope that you continue to build your friendships with the children in your class, and that you make new friends. Your friends, unlike many people in this world, understand you. You see, the world is sometimes a cold, cruel place, baby girl. As you grow, you will almost certainly run into people who want to break your spirit and make you feel like because you are "different" from them, somehow they are better than you. You will learn that in reality, YOU are the one who is "better" than these people. They, unlike you, have hate in their heart. Don't let that hate stop you from shining.
I hope that this year, our family is fortunate enough to take you to new places, allow you to explore new sights and sounds, meet new people, and learn new things. I hope that each holiday this year is one filled with happiness and memories for all of us, and that the traditions we practice for each one becomes deeply rooted into the person you are, and who you will become- and that you will carry them on to your own family someday.
I hope that when you look at me, you see the type of mother you need, and that you come to me without hesitation when you need me most. I hope that your vocabulary continues to grow and blossom as much as it has last year. I hope that by the end of this year, everyone will hear and understand what Zoe Simone has to say. I have said a lot of things that I hope for you this year, but most importantly, I hope that you continue to be the amazing child that you are. In so many ways, you have changed our lives for the better. You have made me a better person. Thank You for being my daughter.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Glen Burnie's Next Top Model :)
I have been told since Zoe was an infant, how absolutely BEAUTIFUL she is. Of course, I always thought she was beautiful- every mom does. Even if their kid is ugly (kidding). But the more Zoe grows, I think I am starting to realize that everyone is RIGHT.
And I am SCARED.
Teenage Zoe is going to be a force to be reckoned with- watch out boys!!! But seriously, I have been researching lately how I can expose her natural beauty and talent to the world without becoming on of "those" moms. I don't want to pressure her or anything, but a couple of jobs to help with her college fund would be nice :) Since I got my new camera, all i can do is take pictures of my favorite subject. Here are our most recent ones:
What does everyone think? Photography has become a hobby of mine- it just so happens that Zoe is a very willing and very TALENTED participant. Any ideas on how I can get started in the child model world?
And I am SCARED.
Teenage Zoe is going to be a force to be reckoned with- watch out boys!!! But seriously, I have been researching lately how I can expose her natural beauty and talent to the world without becoming on of "those" moms. I don't want to pressure her or anything, but a couple of jobs to help with her college fund would be nice :) Since I got my new camera, all i can do is take pictures of my favorite subject. Here are our most recent ones:
What does everyone think? Photography has become a hobby of mine- it just so happens that Zoe is a very willing and very TALENTED participant. Any ideas on how I can get started in the child model world?
Christmas 2010
Christmas in my family is usually a pretty hectic time. I'm sure it is for every family... but for some reason MY family adds an extra degree of stress to EVERYTHING, so Christmas is like the super bowl of stressors for me. I am always worried about making sure every present is bought, wrapped, addressed, that I didn't leave anyone out... and then we pack our car and ride 2 hours to my mother's house in East Berlin, PA. We have done this for 3 Christmas' now- but this year, I decided, THIS year we would claim OUR Christmas. We had to start our own family traditions and have our own Christmas eve in our own place. I have to say it was hard. When you have spent every Christmas morning with your family for as long as you can remember, suddenly changing routine is an adjustment. However- I am SO glad we did it. Christmas as a whole was, just, perfect. Zoe and I baked a TON of de-licious Christmas cookies together- one of the traditions my grandmother (who has since passed) always did with me.
We woke up bright and early (after a night of playing Santa's workshop), and gently woke Zoe. She, unlike most mornings, woke up smiling and excited. i had no idea just HOW aware she actually is of her surroundings and the anticipation that leads up to Christmas. I remember most that she put her hands on top her head and spun around in circles after seeing the tree full of gifts. She opened each gift with a "WOW!" or "Mommy! Look! A BABY!!!" and was genuinely thrilled with everything Santa had put under the tree. There was no screaming... The was no cursing... Nobody left upset or crying. There was just pure Christmas Magic. I guess in the end, change IS good. We are carving out our little niche in the world and standing as our own family. I took a ton of pictures with my AH-MAZE-ING new camera that my honey bought me. Honestly, a lot of days, I feel sad and sometimes even depressed, because everything doesn't always go my way. We aren't the richest people and sometimes it's all we can do to barely pay all the bills on time. But sometimes... I step back and look at days and moments like these and just KNOW that our little family is so blessed. We have each other no matter what- but we also have a place to live, food, heat, and the opportunity to provide our daughter with a wonderful Christmas, where so many other families cannot. I hope you had a great Christmas too!
Baking Sugar Cookies with my lovey <3
Christmas Eve (before Santa came!)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Don't Call It A Comeback...
So, who doesn't post to their blog in over a YEAR?!?! Answer: THIS Girl. Anyway, I have just been so busy I forgot I even had a blog!!! Nobody seemed to be reading my posts, and I have been trying to figure out a way to increase traffic. I like to share my stories with other parents of deaf/HOH kids. Mostly because I like to hear myself talk (watch myself type?) but also to lend support to other families as so many have done for my family.
These days, Zoe is a rowdy three year old with her own opinions, thoughts, feelings, and EMOTIONS! Where did they even come up with the saying "terrible twos"? I thought I was the perfect parent because MY little girl ate anything i put in front of her (well, she still does) and never whined, cried or threw fits at age two. I thought for SURE that we were just so awesome that Zoe had no reason to be a brat. WELL, NOW... that was until she turned THREE. Listen to me and listen good- THREE YEAR OLDS ARE OF THE DEVIL. I have never been so stressed, nervous, embarrassed, frustrated... than I am now that Zoe is three. She is vigilantly defiant, unyielding in her resolve to make my life a living HELL. She makes the simplest public outing, like say, to a grocery store or clothing store something I DREAD. Just thinking about it makes me bite my nails and break out in a cold sweat. I used to be all "She can't hheeeaaaarrrr, you guys... be NICE to her!" when she was 2. Now, I KNOW what she can and cannot hear, but she still puts on an Oscar-worthy act like she couldn't hear a freaking truck back up through a building.
Me (from the other room, no less!): "Zoe!"
Zoe: WHAT?!?!
Me: "Excuse Me?!?!"
Zoe: "Yes, Mommy?"
Me: "Come clean up your toys."
Zoe: ".........."
Me: "Zoe?"
Zoe: "......"
Me: "ZOE!!!!"
Zoe: "..."
Me: (rounding the corner into her room) "Zoe Simone, I told you to come clean up your toys in the living room".
Zoe: (Her back turned toward me) "........"
Me: "ZOE!!!"
Zoe: "Hehehehehehehehehe"!!!!! (runs out of the room)
See, she thinks it's a GAME. She thinks that just becauseI am a dumbass I used to be so easy on her, she can still play the "I Can't Heeeaaarrr Yyyoooouuuu" game. I have found that, especially with a child like Zoe, you have to be a lot more stern when you are disciplining them... because they think you are a sucker. Anyone else have any stories about their children and discipline?
These days, Zoe is a rowdy three year old with her own opinions, thoughts, feelings, and EMOTIONS! Where did they even come up with the saying "terrible twos"? I thought I was the perfect parent because MY little girl ate anything i put in front of her (well, she still does) and never whined, cried or threw fits at age two. I thought for SURE that we were just so awesome that Zoe had no reason to be a brat. WELL, NOW... that was until she turned THREE. Listen to me and listen good- THREE YEAR OLDS ARE OF THE DEVIL. I have never been so stressed, nervous, embarrassed, frustrated... than I am now that Zoe is three. She is vigilantly defiant, unyielding in her resolve to make my life a living HELL. She makes the simplest public outing, like say, to a grocery store or clothing store something I DREAD. Just thinking about it makes me bite my nails and break out in a cold sweat. I used to be all "She can't hheeeaaaarrrr, you guys... be NICE to her!" when she was 2. Now, I KNOW what she can and cannot hear, but she still puts on an Oscar-worthy act like she couldn't hear a freaking truck back up through a building.
Me (from the other room, no less!): "Zoe!"
Zoe: WHAT?!?!
Me: "Excuse Me?!?!"
Zoe: "Yes, Mommy?"
Me: "Come clean up your toys."
Zoe: ".........."
Me: "Zoe?"
Zoe: "......"
Me: "ZOE!!!!"
Zoe: "..."
Me: (rounding the corner into her room) "Zoe Simone, I told you to come clean up your toys in the living room".
Zoe: (Her back turned toward me) "........"
Me: "ZOE!!!"
Zoe: "Hehehehehehehehehe"!!!!! (runs out of the room)
See, she thinks it's a GAME. She thinks that just because
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