These days, Zoe is a rowdy three year old with her own opinions, thoughts, feelings, and EMOTIONS! Where did they even come up with the saying "terrible twos"? I thought I was the perfect parent because MY little girl ate anything i put in front of her (well, she still does) and never whined, cried or threw fits at age two. I thought for SURE that we were just so awesome that Zoe had no reason to be a brat. WELL, NOW... that was until she turned THREE. Listen to me and listen good- THREE YEAR OLDS ARE OF THE DEVIL. I have never been so stressed, nervous, embarrassed, frustrated... than I am now that Zoe is three. She is vigilantly defiant, unyielding in her resolve to make my life a living HELL. She makes the simplest public outing, like say, to a grocery store or clothing store something I DREAD. Just thinking about it makes me bite my nails and break out in a cold sweat. I used to be all "She can't hheeeaaaarrrr, you guys... be NICE to her!" when she was 2. Now, I KNOW what she can and cannot hear, but she still puts on an Oscar-worthy act like she couldn't hear a freaking truck back up through a building.
Me (from the other room, no less!): "Zoe!"
Zoe: WHAT?!?!
Me: "Excuse Me?!?!"
Zoe: "Yes, Mommy?"
Me: "Come clean up your toys."
Zoe: ".........."
Me: "Zoe?"
Zoe: "......"
Me: "ZOE!!!!"
Zoe: "..."
Me: (rounding the corner into her room) "Zoe Simone, I told you to come clean up your toys in the living room".
Zoe: (Her back turned toward me) "........"
Me: "ZOE!!!"
Zoe: "Hehehehehehehehehe"!!!!! (runs out of the room)
See, she thinks it's a GAME. She thinks that just because
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