OLD ear molds- solid hot pink and white marbled
NEW Ear molds- light translucent pink and white marbled :)

I'm so glad we finally got them, we were hearing a lot of feedback because they were really getting loose. I got to see the doctor make them this time, which was pretty cool. I was very surprised Zoe held still so well while the mixture hardened in her ear. She's such a big girl :)
Hi there! My daughter (who just turned four three days ago!) loves her translucent sparkly pink ear molds! When she picked out a pair of hearing aids to replace the zebra-striped loaners, she picked out this neon purple colour! I was surprised because her favourite colour is pink (sigh!). In the end she chose pink.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter was just diagnosed six months ago so this is all very very new to us. Nice to see that there is a community out there. Thanks! Your daughter is indeed beautiful!