I hope that this year, and every other year, you realize just how special you are to everyone you meet. You make me laugh, you make me cry, you make me SO proud. With each passing day, month, and year- you continue to amaze me. I hope that this year, you know you are so loved, so blessed, and so beautiful. I hope you continue to excel in your ECI program at school- you have impressed everyone with how bright you really are. I hope that our family continues to bond closer together and rally around you as you achieve each milestone.
I hope that this year when you turn four years old, you have the most amazing birthday yet, as we celebrate another year having you in our lives. I hope that this year, and any other year, that you never, ever let anyone tell you you can't achieve something. You were made just for us, hearing loss and all- to be your biggest fans and to support and love you every step of the way. We hope you realize that no matter what happens, mommy & daddy will ALWAYS be there for you. You are capable of great things, and your daddy and I can't wait to watch you grow and achieve those things.
I hope that you continue to build your friendships with the children in your class, and that you make new friends. Your friends, unlike many people in this world, understand you. You see, the world is sometimes a cold, cruel place, baby girl. As you grow, you will almost certainly run into people who want to break your spirit and make you feel like because you are "different" from them, somehow they are better than you. You will learn that in reality, YOU are the one who is "better" than these people. They, unlike you, have hate in their heart. Don't let that hate stop you from shining.
I hope that this year, our family is fortunate enough to take you to new places, allow you to explore new sights and sounds, meet new people, and learn new things. I hope that each holiday this year is one filled with happiness and memories for all of us, and that the traditions we practice for each one becomes deeply rooted into the person you are, and who you will become- and that you will carry them on to your own family someday.
I hope that when you look at me, you see the type of mother you need, and that you come to me without hesitation when you need me most. I hope that your vocabulary continues to grow and blossom as much as it has last year. I hope that by the end of this year, everyone will hear and understand what Zoe Simone has to say. I have said a lot of things that I hope for you this year, but most importantly, I hope that you continue to be the amazing child that you are. In so many ways, you have changed our lives for the better. You have made me a better person. Thank You for being my daughter.
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