Friday, September 4, 2009

It's A Small World After All...

When I first started on this journey with Zoe back in March, I felt all alone. I felt like I couldn't fathom why this had to happen to MY baby, or what I had done to cause it. As time has passed, I am quickly realizing that our situation is not uncommon. There are many more high functioning deaf people than I ever thought. They have great jobs and function in society just fine, dealing with their disability the best way they can. Sure, it has it's challenges- but this happened to us for a reason. Zoe is a very special little girl, and without being hearing impaired, she wouldn't be Zoe. I got to thinking about this because while getting my (fabulous) hair cut at Bubbles in Arundel Mills mall, my stylist and I (Hi Ashlee!) got to chatting- she told me how her son is doing the "your baby can read" program, and that at 18 months she is amazed at how much he is learning. And when I told her about Zoe's hearing loss, and how she is slowly learning sign language- she and I got into conversation about how her father, aunt and uncle are all deaf- and i thought, WOW, I'm not alone after all. She told me about programs her mother was involved in, and encouraged me to get as involved as possible in the deaf community. I think I will do that. We have already made the first step by enrolling Zoe in the MSD program for toddlers- so we just have to reach out further and really show her how many kids are just like her. It's so great to meet people who understand your situation a little bit!

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